

It has been very very long ago since I write new posts in my blog. Most of the time, I only upload the photos I have shot.

I had changed my blog skin by upgrading to new blogger template. Now blogger provide a graphical user interface to arrange elements of my blog. It is very useful and user-friendly to non-html expert like me.

As the semester exam is only about 4 weeks from now, I need to prepare for the exam. But the upcoming weeks before exams are packed with many assignment submissions, lab tests from almost all subjects. Need to finish as early as I can so as to avoid last minute rushing overnight to complete which happened at last sem WDS website. So far, I need to get my group memnbers work to compile to complete the whole assignment.

VC's Night Photography Expedition will be on 9th August, when we will be camping around the Marina Bay area to shoot firework display as well as National Day celebrations. But unfortunately, I have two tests on Friday which is the day after 9th. So I need to prepare and study in advance.

These few weeks are stressful...




Can life be copyrighted? If so, who is the copyright owner?



Route To Temasek Library

Sorry for not update my blog for about a month. Here comes the new update. :)

Temasek Library

Standing tall with its unique shape,
A place to be for many students for different reasons:
Some strieve to study; some sleep; some seek peaceful time; some surf the Net, some do projects, some enjoy movies, some... ... ...