
My First Experience as an event photographer in TP Talent Quest

Event: 2006 TP Talent Quest Final
Date: 24 November 06 7pm

It was my very first time shooting photos of an event. Thanks TPVC to give me a chace to take photos in such an event.
Went to school at about 6pm and buy extra batteries for my camera at Cheers. Then, at about 630pm, went to VC Dark Room to attend a short briefing about the event. I didn't have a nice cam with zoom and manual settings, so I took my friends'(Ko Than Htike) camera. His camera is not fully SLR, but can adjust ISO, zoom, etc. There were total of 4 photographers for the event. We went to the Audi 1 at 7pm and Audi was full of audience. Then, I went downstair to the left hand side of the stage to shoot photos.
Then, the constentants started singing. There were total of 20 finalists and they sang English, Chinese and other songs. I shot performances of the first 4 finalists and then went to backstage to shoot photos of finalists preparing and waiting for their turn. There were many finalists sitting and watching the performance of their fellow contestents singing on Live LCD screen. I was a bit scared of them and haven't shot nice photos of them at the backstage.
After that, I went back to Audi. I changed position to the front of the stage to shoot close-up shots. I got many good photos.
The event ended at 930. A female student from Design school got first prize. Then, I shot photos of her final singing and at the end of the event, I went backstage to shoot the celebration. But the lighting was very bad and I did't manage to get nice shots.
Then, went back to dark room to return school cameras. Then went back home at 1030pm.
Felt tired and sleepy when I returned home. Shooting photos of live event is more difficult compare to non-living things like natural scenes because people are moving and the lighting of such event is very difficult to get decent shots.
I am looking forward to shooting more events in the future..

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