Today is the briefing for coming semester. Went to school at 10am. Met with all my classmates in the LT. Today, timetable had not come out yet. So, I am not sure whether we, ENT option students, from C133 will be in the same class or not. Wishing to be in the same class as my current classmates. Need to wait until next morning 10am to know the timetable.
There are 2 major changes announced by our course manager, Mr Lim.
1st change is that name of our school. Our school name had been changed from Temasek Information Technology School to Temasek Informatics & Information Technology School. Before the briefing, I was not very sure about the meaning of the word "Informatics". During briefing, CM (course manager) explained that in short Informatics means information technology for people. We are now focusing on solving problems faced by people by using IT. So we must not only know IT but also know other important domain such as business, banking, etc. So that we can apply our knowledge effectively.
Another more important change is that this coming semester we will be in block mode. There will be two blocks "Block A" and "Block B" each 10 weeks (actually 8weeks+2weeks of holidays). During "Block A", two subjects will be taught and 4 will be taught in "Block B". These two subjects are purely 100% CA subjects meaning that there will be no exams. But instead we need to put much effort in assignments and problem packages. And they must be done and submitted within 8 weeks. So, quite short time given for projects compared to last sem.
One of the good thing about block teaching is that we can focus in two subjects. No need to handle 5, 6 subjects at the same time. But we must be focused and quite be fast-paced to catch the fast speed of teaching.
This Thursday and Friday, I will be helping out in October Intake Orientation. Will upload more photos I have shot after the orientation. :)