
Semester 2 Begins Today

First Day of New semester...
Woke up early at 7 am. Arrived school at 8 plus.. I arrived so early that there were few students. Went to lab to print an entry form for photo competition called 'Something Old, Something New'. Due date is the end of this month.
Monday was full of lectures and tutorials. Based on the timetable, I got only one hour break. But there was no lab session. So got two extra hours of break.
OOPG was just revision of PRSP, so it was easy. HOOP is new subject. and Higher Java programming subject. There were so many lecture slides to be covered within a single one hour lecture slot. So, I needed to concentrate much.
CMATHS2 has topics that I fear like permutation and drawing of graphs..Need to work hard..
For CMSK3, I need to do report writing and oral presentation. Should be okie..
Today, felt very very tired. after school ended at 5plus, I went to lab to study and review some lessons taught. Only arrived home at 8:15....
What a tiring Monday...

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