
310806 Thursday

The rain started when I woke up in the morning till about 4 pm. It have been raining very heavily since yesterday. This is the heaviest rain I haved experienced here.. The atmoshpere was very cool and I like it very much..

It remined me of my home in Myanamr. Now, it is rainy season in Myanmar and it rains every day and mostly very heavy in Myanmar. I also remembered that during such heavy rain, water got inside the kitchen of my house because my house is in the low landscape and the drainage system is not very good. After the rain, the whole family was very busy wiping all the rubbish and mud that the rain water brought in. It always happen about two or three times per one rainy season.

Last two years at the same time, I was very busy attending tuition classes and now I get one and a half month holiday! I cycled to my tuition and sometimes my whole body was soaked with rain... The moments in Grade 11 are very sweet and I cannot forget them.
I miss all the friends... I miss.. I miss. I miss..........

The rain remind me of these golden moments..

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